About Us

Welcome to FasTrac

We are a summer training internship program that helps college students differentiate themselves from their peers by developing the necessary skills to become future leaders in America. With over 40 years of experience, we have worked with thousands of students and taught them direct marketing skills that can be applied to any career path.

At FasTrac, we believe that the key to success is developing universal skill sets that can be used in any industry. That’s why we partner with HonorGuard Pest Management to teach students how to sell pest control services door to door. By learning the cycle of selling and the fine points of running a small business, students gain valuable experience that sets them apart from other college graduates.

The FasTrac Difference

We offer nearly 100 hours of classroom training at no cost to our selected students. Our program is designed to teach more than just how to sell. We also focus on networking, developing a customer base, managing finances, and motivating oneself to work independently.

Working with FasTrac is an opportunity for students to gain independence and develop lifelong friendships. Our program offers locations in Nashville, Knoxville, and Atlanta where students can challenge themselves, expand their horizons, and develop their entrepreneurial skills while having fun.

Our 100% placement rate after college is a testament to the value that our program provides. We are confident that our training will give you a competitive edge in the job market and prepare you for success in your chosen career.

Alumni Testimonials

Josh Barr
Josh BarrUT Chattanooga
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“In four years I was able to make over $135,000. Not only did I graduate debt free, but had enough money saved to start my own real estate company right out of school. I can think of no better training before you graduate than the FasTrac Program!”
Mark Owen
Mark OwenClemson
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“As a finance major, I gained invaluable sales experience while a student at Clemson. The $60,000 that I made over 3 summers was just a big bonus. I highly recommend FasTrac for students.”
Aaron Whittaker
Aaron Whittaker UT Knoxville
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“I earned more than $30,000 in two summers with FasTrac. Over $60,000 my third year! The training that I received through my FasTrac internship prepared me to start a business after graduation with the knowledge to generate revenue. I believe that any student, no matter your major, will benefit from the FasTrac internship!”
Matt Bunch
Matt Bunch
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“Going through the Fastrac program is what propelled me into the next version of myself I needed to reach the success I desired in business and in life. The principals I learned, the habits I developed, and the relationships I created are invaluable. You can’t get this type of experience and growth anywhere else.”
Xander Isaacs
Xander Isaacs
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“My summer with FasTrac was overall an outstanding experience. Yes it was very challenging but I developed skills and learned lessons I will use for the rest of my life. Also, there was direct financial gains tied to my hard work. I made over $10,000 in my first summer and was able to have a great college experience because of my financial flexibility! Would highly recommend a Fastrac summer job if you are up for a challenge with big upside.”

Parent Testimonials

Beth Owen
Beth Owen
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"Many, many thanks for the time, love, patience, income and wisdom that you have given to our son, Mark, through the FasTrac internship program. He is turning out to be a man that we are very proud of as his parents. Admittedly, we were skeptical at first, but soon realized Mark was being challenged to learn and grow in ways that even a college education doesn’t provide a young person. Mark’s discipline level and overall people skills have really emerged from the training and field work of meeting so many customers on a one to one basis. We are very grateful for the mentoring and caring you have invested into Mark and his career and personal development. As parents, we couldn’t have wished for better mentors, not only to help Mark save enough to help pay his way through Clemson, but to attain five consecutive semesters of a 4.0 grade point average since his first summer with your internship! We really enjoyed the awards banquet, getting to meet Mark’s work buddies and hearing many of their incredible tales from their experiences this past summer."
Tony C.
Tony C.
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"Dear FasTrac Team, Thank you for the opportunity to express my thoughts on your program. As we’ve discussed, Amy and I are extremely pleased with your FasTrac program and the experience it provided for our son, Eric. Initially, we had all the normal apprehensions a typical parent can conceive. As we investigated the program with Eric, our concerns slowly evaporated. As a young man, I had a similar opportunity and realized how it benefited me in my career. I quickly grew excited for Eric to experience the same kind of developmental opportunity. Each day, we waited to hear from Eric. We cheered his successes with him. We felt the deep disappointment and pain of his “learning experiences”, the days where he made numerous calls with no sales. But we encouraged him to continue and he grew stronger with each day. The transformation was awesome to watch. As the summer progressed, he grew more confident in his abilities and knowledge about many aspects of success – as well as life in general. Eric went to Nashville a wide-eyed young man and returned a focused, confident and successful man. I absolutely recommend this program for anyone who feels they have the desire to learn the basic formula for success – discipline, hard-work and focus. These skills will insure your success, personally and professionally, regardless the path you choose for your life."
Rob Lindbom
Rob Lindbom
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"Life has always come easy for Will, so when he came to us last year and said he was interested in taking an internship with Fastrac for the summer selling door to door pest control contracts in a major city, we were both floored. We didn’t know if he would be able to stand the demands of that type of a job. However, after many discussions with him, Max his supervisor, and Jeff the company owner, we gave Will our blessing and support to allow him to go to Atlanta (during a pandemic) for the summer. It turned out to be one of the greatest decisions he (and we) have made.

During his summer, he learned commitment-rising every morning before 8am to prepare for his day and working way past 8pm some nights-6 days a week. He honed his communication skills and we still laugh at some of the stories he would share with us on our regular calls. The program fueled his competitive side by offering weekly incentives that really spurred him to succeed. He learned perseverance, often getting rejected at a door and realizing how to read people and approach them on an individual basis. He made friends and found mentors that will go with him throughout his life.

Through this summer internship, I think he grew a lot as a man. He learned to be independent and have an appreciation of a job well done. I can’t say enough positive things about the Fastrac program. And the fact that they continue to reach out and celebrate what all the participants accomplished over the proceeding summer is a testimony to a business that values their employees and encourages the next generation to be all that they can be."
Janice Detz
Janice Detz
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"Fastrac gave Martyn confidence in business, the tools to get out of debt and manage personal finance. He gained independence, understanding what commitment means and following through, faith, as well as learning to not take things personally. It gave him the financial freedom to travel as he took a month-long celebration trip across the United States with another FasTrac grad. He also traveled to England and Holland."
Ellen Morin
Ellen Morin
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"FasTrac was a wonderful experience for my son, Nick. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, selling door to door was something that I couldn’t imagine him doing. He convinced me with many stories from young people that had been successful in the past. But I was sold on his commitment and enthusiasm about the program. FasTrac is not just about selling. I saw my son’s confidence grow exponentially and learn new skills in teamwork, goal setting/incentives, and self discipline. He also was a top seller many weeks of the program and was able to earn enough to mostly support himself during his fall semester in college and reward himself for his hard work. I would tell any parent to support their child in joining FasTrac. The financial rewards are impressive, but it’s the non-tangible life changing skills that truly make this a top notch program."